Informed Technology for our Sustainable Future
The world is rapidly transforming with the development and increasing adoption of new technologies. New technologies are affecting existing systems, and creating the path toward future global systems that were previously unimaginable (for example, universal basic income, self sovereign identities, and digital democracies). Right now these technological developments are happening in silos, emergent global systems remain underdeveloped, and the regulatory environment is ill informed.
The World Legal Summit is a multi party initiative. It brings jurisdictions together in understanding and building awareness of legislative frameworks and ethical considerations for dealing with emerging technologies and the global systems they’re enabling.
It is our belief that a collective of insights from all corners of the globe distilled into a common understanding, is far superior to the predominantly centralized frameworks currently in place. The World Legal Summit intends to promote this collective, and over time to uncover a common dialogue that is representative of a community of truly global minded citizens with the best interest of all at heart. We invite you to read on and learn more, and hope that you will join us in the co-development of our globally sustainable future.
View 2021-2022 WLS Impact Statement
We launched the World Legal Summit in 2019 with the #WLS2019 summit that took place in 30+ cities across 20+ countries its first year. Building on the success of its inaugural year, there will be a world wide WLS summit happening every two years, and you are invited to get involved.
Organizations: Your organization can get involved by partnering or hosting the World Legal Summit in your region. Learn more about these opportunities here:
Individuals: Are you an individual that wants to get involved? Learn more about the WLS and contribute to a global community of technology and legal professionals:
How might we ensure new technologies create a better future for us all?
The WLS biennial summit is intended to bring disparate jurisdictions together in discussing some of the most challenging topics of our time, dealing with emerging technologies and the future they’re making possible. In doing this, we are building a much needed global dialogue about the impact of new technologies on our global systems, and the necessary regulatory frameworks needed to govern these technologies as they operate beyond and within national borders.
Each year the WLS event will bring together all necessary stakeholders across academia, technology, legal, government, and the corporate world. Together along with a global community of passionate citizens, these stakeholders shape the conversation and contribute to the greater understanding of how these technologies are shaping our global future. In addition, this community debates what is needed to ensure these technologies are adopted in a way that best serves each and every person on this planet (and beyond), regardless of their “race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” (UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 2).
Each location is hosted by an organization that facilitates a ‘micro summit’ during the day(s) of the event in their respective time zones. These are physical events held in host locations world wide, with virtual and digital networking opportunities with the global WLS community. These events follow a discussion and agenda template provided by the WLS that is designed to guide the discussion locally while connecting in with the global discussion. Each Host has the opportunity to work with those templates and bring their own style to the formatting of their summit.
While there is a consistently growing body of new technologies affecting our global systems, we believe there are three core techno-legal categories that are facilitating the possibility and growth of these systems. These are categories where law and technology intersect. These are the technology groupings for which we explore the legislative environment for, and for which our research and initiatives are driven toward progressing. We have established these categories as our “WLS Technology Pillars”.
Inclusive of digital identities and surrounding technologies (e.g. biometric authentication), as well as decentralized technologies like blockchain and their solutions for identity management. Collectively, these technologies are making possible decentralized identity frameworks independent of intermediaries and centralized authorities. |
Inclusive of artificial intelligence technologies and their ethical application, as well as the autonomous systems they’re integrating with to create ‘self executing’ machine enabled decisions (e.g. smart contract enabled frameworks). These technologies have the ability to curate and support efficiencies in decentralized systems and their governance. |
Inclusive of the complete system of personal data surrounding nearly every person on this planet (and beyond), both digitally and physically through credentials, health records, employment contracts and endless others. This data is accumulating in governments, companies, and institutions, and needs better governance to protect individual rights. |
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead
We recognize the need for a tailored discussion guided by jurisdictional and cultural nuances. We also recognize that these local characteristics can contribute to the much needed global dialogue. The WLS aims to break down these currently siloed discussions and to build global collaboration, while ensuring a localized understanding is maintained. For these reasons the WLS is organized at the local level by hosts and ambassadors.
WLS Ambassadors are individuals nominated to represent the WLS in their respective geographies. They are professionals that work at the intersection of technology and law, and are dedicated to promoting discussion around these tough topics in their country. They work collaboratively with hosts to ensure their jurisdiction has the most qualified experts at the table and the most passionate organizations supporting the conversation. They help to discover hosts, panelists, and participants at the local level.
Want to support the WLS in your region as an Ambassador? Great! We welcome applications from legal and technology professionals working in these domains. Please submit your interest to [email protected] with the subject title: “Ambassador Interest”
WLS Hosts are individuals and their organizations that host the WLS initiative at the local level. They organize the space, panelists, research, participants and other factors necessary for encouraging a constructive local discussion. Typically, host organizations are companies, law firms, universities, governments, and think tank styled organizations that are involved in building thought leadership and progress in the core domains driving the World Legal Summit.
WLS Ambassadors and Hosts care about the emerging future that is coming with new technologies, and they care about you getting involved. Join them in bringing the spirit of legal transformation to your country.
The World Legal Summit is a community-driven platform. It is at the citizen level where monumental change can happen. A group of citizens is powerful beyond belief when mobilized around supporting a common goal. The WLS aims to provide communities of citizens that care about the impact of emerging technologies, with a platform for expressing their concerns and a means for contributing to the discussion.
The WLS community is predominantly made up of academics, legal and governance professionals, and technologists that are passionate about driving progress at the intersection of technology and needed governance frameworks.
Become an Ambassador
The WLS has a goal of creating this dialogue in all nations in the next five years. If you are a leader of these conversations in your local community, and wish to become a representative of the WLS in your nation, we invite you to submit an application.
Send to: [email protected]
Subject title: Ambassador Application
Hosting and Partnerships
The WLS is made possible by individuals and organizations who host and partner with WLS initiatives worldwide. If you work with an organization that wants to support thought leadership in these domains, whether through hosting a location of the next WLS summit in your country or other partnership opportunities, then we invite you to submit your interest below.
Join the Community
In order to gain adequate knowledge and global insights, the WLS involves experts from all stakeholder groups across all major world regions. These are professionals in the legal and technology domains, who can contribute to and benefit from the ongoing discussion in a meaningful way. They are individuals who are passionate about progressing change in technology governance. Learn more and join the growing conversation.